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Showing posts from January, 2018

Math of Sports Study Hall: The Spread and Victory, Basketball Edition

In one of my previous posts, I gave a lengthy explanation of the relationship between the Vegas spread in football and the probability that the favored team would ultimately win the game. Utilizing spread data that I collected over about an 8 year period, and assuming that the actual margin of victory would adopt a Normal / Gaussian distribution centered around the spread. I found that it was fairly simple to calculate the spread vs. victory curve once you know (based on a lot of data) that the standard deviation of the deviation of the actual result from the spread is around 14-15 points. I was also curious about whether a similar analysis could be made based on college basketball data, but this was something that I never looked into previously.  Fortunately, I realized a few days ago that my go-to web sight for spread data (a site called "Prediction Tracker") has an mostly complete archive of spread data for all sorts of sports, including college basketball.  I quickly do...