Over the past 4-5 years, I have been fascinated by the subject of probability and variance on both college football and basketball. Specifically, I became interested in how the probability of victory changes with the Vegas point spread (which is still the most reliable predictor of the outcome of individual games). I have written quite a bit about this in the past, so I will just summarize those findings briefly now. There are several observations that I have made using a set of data from the "prediction tracker" website that covers data from 2004 through 2018. First of all, teams that are favored by "x" points tend to win by an average of "x" points. That data is plotted here: Furthermore, you can calculate the variance (i.e. the standard deviation) of the final score difference as a function of each point spread. This value is a little above 10 points, with a fair amount of scatter, which increases a bit as the spread get larger. That data is...