Every year around this time, a new set of programs take to the airwaves (and the fields) to entertain the masses. The weekly cadence of games is almost episodic in nature. Over the next 13 weeks the story of the 2022 season will unfold and many of us will be huddled around our televisions just waiting to see what will happen next. Sure, some of the programs out there are a bit stale and boring. (I am looking at you Wisconsin and Iowa.) Some are strong but a little too predictable (Ohio State). Some feel like they just may be starting to get good (Minnesota? Purdue?) A few others seem on the brink of cancellation (Indiana and Rutgers), while others seem to keep chugging along even though no one is watching (Maryland). Sometimes there are a few key actors who are just fun to watch (Pat Fitzgerald!) and other times these are those who seem to be so bad at their craft that it's not clear how they still have a job (James Franklin). But often times it's the reoccurring characters and...